Sunday, November 2, 2008

FandC part 1

Well, I've decided to join the blogosphere, at my advanced age. More will come to light in the near future, but I am an unlikely "blogger". Age, kids, wife, work, all conspire against this effort. But, what the hell. It's Nov.2 and the election is the big thing on my mind. That and my 11 year old's homework assignment. I'm an Obama fan and seriously, McCain was my favorite republican in 2000! Had it been him vs. Gore, who knows where my vote would have gone! The campaign he has run this year has been scattershot and erratic. Palin is an obvious pander to brain dead Hilary voters and the dreaded religious right.
Anyways, enough fear, how 'bout some cycling!? Now that the temps are dropping and the daylight is shrinking, my gut will widen! I will try to get out there more this winter, but it is anything but easy. I rode my favorite off-road trail Friday, and it was so covered with pine needles and leaves, I was sure I had lost it a couple of times! No excuses, the same sections that activate my "chicken bone in my right hand(rear brake), still do. I love this trail, because I still can't get it right!!
Ok, back to fear, I have said that a blog from me would be useless, because who wants to read the assassination fantasies of a northeast liberal!! I mean really, does anyone want to know how I'd like to finish off each of the Bush cabinet! I hope not.

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